Of Ash and Fire Blog

Symbolism and Vision

Written by Of Ash and Fire | Dec 26, 2022 6:03:26 PM

 “Nothing is permanent, but change" – Heraclitus (Greek Philosopher, 535 BCE-c. 475 BCE) 

Such a sentiment about change is ever more relevant in the continuously evolving world of Technology. Our Company's Founder and CEO, Daniel Ashcraft, started his Company understanding that we have to be the change for good in the world we want to see. The method and execution of how the Company best intends to represent that message to the world continue to evolve.

Of Ash and Fire's continued success and expansion result from loyal customers helping spread our company name. We are now able to represent not only ourselves as a company better but those who are utilizing our services and helping promote our brand. With our new style and symbolic imagery, we hope to inspire new and established customers by highlighting our company's progress and vision.

Working with the industry's best

Daniel Ashcraft is a web, mobile and software programmer from Oklahoma City. Autodidact, entrepreneur, developer, consultant, business owner, husband, and father are all titles he currently enjoys. Being the ambitious entrepreneur he is, Daniel has owned multiple businesses prior to starting his Web and Software development shop in 2018. His robust set of values worked as a foundation to give rise to the high-quality work products and services that our company brand is now known for.  
Working to disrupt archaic trends and blaze his own trail, Daniel went on to learn and then teach fundamental and advanced programming skills to aspiring developers entirely on his own accord. Independently overcoming low socio-economic conditions to become a leading voice regarding Software Development in the Midwest, now employing people all over the United States.

Of Ash and Fires' core mission is to forge quality solutions that improve the human experience while fostering a healthy work environment. As CEO and Founder, Daniel leads by example and keeps his employees’ best interests in mind when moving forward with his own business deals.  
Future clients, customers, and employees alike can have faith they are indeed working with one of the industry's best. When it’s “go-time,” we don’t need to brag or talk; we just let the code speak for itself!